Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Stockings

These gifts are for all the good little girls and boys. All holiday wishes will be granted, and they will reap what they have sown.

U.S. Companies continue the battle to remain manufacturing in the States, even with the pressure to stay afloat looming overhead each and every day. The list is not enormous, but the American consumer will and should reward you. Some of the companies that would qualify include: Broil King; Chefs Choice; Kitchen Aid; Charhartt; All Clad; and American Racing Products.

Before you call or write a scathing critique, there are a plethora of companies in America performing the same admirable job. Surviving, without government bailouts, is a feat that should be envied by every company that sold out to higher profits, hence losing American workers their jobs.

The various charities/nonprofit organizations, working 24-7-365 to make their communities and the Country stronger, should be applauded for their numerous accomplishments. A few that come to mind are: The American Red Cross; Salvation Army; Goodwill Industries; United Way; and all other local food banks for providing food and clothing to the underprivileged individuals. Again, there are several other worthy organizations which could be mentioned, but this blog calls for brevity.

The men and women serving in our Armed Forces , who with vigilance constantly watch over our liberty, should never be taken for granted. For at all costs, they give the ultimate in personal sacrifice. Remember to hug a member during this Holiday season.

Lumps of coal (if that is what they really deserve) go to the people who have made this a Blood Pressure Cooker year. We'll just make a list and forget to check it twice. This group includes:

~President Bush, Hank Paulson and the Federal Treasury for spending our great grandchildren's money on greed driven bailouts for money-hungry corporations.

~ Vice President Cheney for all of his endeavors in the name of security with Blackwater and assuring our troops are equipped with the best technology money can buy from Haliburton.

~General Motors, and especially Chrysler, who in March will be appearing (remember they are selling the corporate jets) back in Washington to request more funding. By then, thanks to Cerebus, Chrysler will be traveling on bicycles.

~Bernard “Mad Dog” Madoff for the bilking of so many trusting and stupid people. The real crime is the worthwhile charities he swindled.

~Those in Congress who have supported Tariff Suspensions. You have them to blame for the poison that comes from places like China.

~PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) for protesting and spending money on stupid campaigns against the cruelty to fowl used by Kentucky Fried Chicken. Do they really want us to eat live chickens?

Once again, there are many more candidates for these dubious honors. Please let me know your choices.

Well folk, guess it's eggnog time. As Clement Clarke Moore famously wrote, “I heard him exclaim, 'ere he rode out of sight, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.”

Back on Monday!

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1 comment:

Call Me Ishmael said...

Short of a traditional Christmas eve pardon, I will ask.....God may yet forgive George W, Bush. Can we ever find it in our hjearts to do the same? Peace to all!