Thursday, December 11, 2008

Anyone Want The Job?

Pressure At Boiling

1)Rod Blagojevich (Democrat, 2003-present)—charged with, among other things, conspiring to sell Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat
2)George Ryan (Republican, 1999-2003)—currently serving a 6½-year sentence in federal prison for fraud
3)Daniel Walker (Democrat, 1973-1977)—convicted of bank fraud after leaving office
4)Otto Kerner (Democrat, 1961-1968)—convicted on 17 counts of bribery
5)Lennington Small (Republican, 1921-1929)—indicted for embezzlement

Well what would a good blog be without diving into the political scene, never mind if there is not any water in the pond. Illinois has the unique distinction of having five Governors in the last 100 years that have been indicted on criminal charges.Three of them were convicted and one is still in prison, although since he decreed that all death penalty criminals would not face execution in that state,He is probably making out okay in the general prison population.

The baby boomers have seen a vast array of corrupt politicos in our lifetime. The old adage “Absolute power corrupts absolutely” has never been more true than in our lifetimes. Richard Nixon was so corrupt he should not have been allowed to sell used cars. When he was Vice President, we should have seen that after ten minutes in the view of the public you could power wash a house with the sweat coming off of his upper lip.As for his Vice President Spiro Agnew,He was as crooked as a mountain road(tried and convicted of fraud and bribery).
The current President may be a intelligent man, but he comes across as the dumbest Texan(yes including LBJ) to ever hold the office.You have to wind him up to have an intelligent sentence come out of his mouth.Vice President Dick Cheney, in this writers opinion,is a thug and a thief. Haliburton has the money in bags waiting for him at home.
Democrats are no slouches either when it comes to scandals. Ambassador Joesph Kennedy Sr. who made his fortune the old fashion way, by selling illegal liquor during prohibition, was able to cement the ties with organized crime that help elect his son to the presidency. President Kennedy and his brothers ran wild through Washington ,like Hugh Hefner running wild and naked through the Playboy Mansion.The successor to the Kennedy legacy is President William Jefferson Clinton(see below) Charles Keating, not a politician just a political player, gave millions in campaign contributions ( made by scamming the public in the savings and loan scandal) to Democratic Senators.It is truly amazing how much the Democrats have done and not been convicted or even caught in some cases.
Bill Clinton

- The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance
- Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates
- Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation
- Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify
- Most number of witnesses to die suddenly
- First president sued for sexual harassment.
- Second president accused of rape
- First first lady to come under criminal investigation
- Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case
- First president to establish a legal defense fund.
- First president to be held in contempt of court
- Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions
- Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad
- First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court

Your local politicians that have been caught up in scandals, are only mimicking what they have learned from the top. Should we ignore it, or shrug it off as a few bad apples. You can do the popular thing and start a recall petition against whom ever you choose, after all they or one just like them will just run again!
More of these fun political observations coming soon.

Well this situation calls for complete bed rest!


Anonymous said...

My belief is that all politicians are bad. I have never met an honest politician I like - let alone an honest politicians. They say what they need to say in order to get elected - to get "your" vote. Then, the politicians never follow up with a plan of action. Take this "war" we are still fighting in Iraq. It's been how long and how many dead troops later, and there still is no exit plan on bringing our troops home!

Eminem said it best:

"Let the President answer a high anarchy
Strap him with an AK-47, let him go fight his own war.
Let him impress Daddy that way."

=) Keep up the good work! Love reading each day!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I forgot...shouldn't we prosecute the Bush Administration for falsly leading us into war in the first place, let alone the killing of thousands of American soldiers?

Unknown said...

Bill Clinton was the "First first lady to come under criminal investigation"? :)