Friday, January 2, 2009

Fridays Rambling

Blood Pressure needing a relief valve, In an Associated Press article in today's newspaper, a 15 member government panel urges a 50% fuel tax increase to fix Americas roads.The panel named The National Commission on Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing( bet that coming up with that name cost a half of million dollars) urged an increase of 10 cents a gallon for gasoline and a 24.4 cent a gallon for diesel fuel.

In the article there is a picture of Highway 225 in Deer Park Tx,in the background is a large Shell Oil Refinery. Wouldn't it make more sense to tax the oil companies ,that made billions in profit last year, rather than saddle the American public with more of the burden.
The Rolling Stones sang what we all should feel-
"I'll never be your Beast of Burden"

It was announced today that two of your tax dollar backed acquisitions were completed.
Bank of America Corp. spent $19.4 billion in its all stock purchase of Merrill Lynch and Wells Fargo & Co. finished spending $12.7 billion in its purchase of Wachovia Corp.Can't you feel the credit relief spreading through your wallets and pocketbooks?

Every able finger and hand should be writing or calling your "Lawmakers" and thanking them for this no accountable spending of your tax dollars.Is this constitutionally legal?

Time to visit the doctor for an injection of large quantities of Blood Pressure

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