Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday's Rambling

Every computer I have ever worked with, up to and including this one, whether at work or home, has had glitches. Does anyone else have the same issues?

There have been times when the only use I see for the future of certain machines is as a boat anchor. This particular version of my discomfort is an HP Pavilion w1907 with Vista Home Premium.

Constantly, I find myself rebooting for proper Internet connection. It did not matter if it was cable or our new high speed DSL connection. When the Internet works, it is marvelous. As the situation goes awry, I want to pick the computer up and throw it through a window.

This blog has exhausted my fertile imagination to a dried up prune. Having stated that, I am going to scale back from an every day article and write as inspiration strikes me. I supposed that will occur two to three times a week, depending on issues that arise in the world. Anyone who would like to be a guest blogger is welcome to submit articles by e-mail ( or through Facebook, where a majority of you have my contact information.

Until next week, have a wonderful weekend and hug someone close to you, preferably someone in service to our country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You don't need to restart your computer to renew your internet connection. There should be an icon on the bottom right corner of your taskbar that shows whether or not your computer is connected to the internet. You can right click it and choose "repair" if you have lost connectivity for some reason. There are other ways to repair your connection, but this is the easiest.

Modern technology is very complex. Of course there will be glitches, but the benefits of these technologies far out way whatever annoyances that may arise via glitches.
