Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What Honeymoon?

The sweet, harmonious marriage of ideals ended in less than two weeks. President Obama has tried everything from cocktail parties to talking tough, or at least trying. It truly is amazing to see the right wing conservative Republican unify – a concept they failed to grasp during the last eight years under “King” George II. I suppose all it took was some good Democratic cattle prodding to spur them into unification.

What in the name of Reagan (the Republican equivalent of God) are the politicians trying to accomplish, except running the American people, especially the middle class, into oblivion?

We are not in a recession or a depression. We are heading into the land of suppression under the weight of bureaucracy.

Now that these fools on the hill have come to some sort of agreement, the trillions of play money required to fix our economic problems is anyone's guess.

The financially sound will not stimulate the economy, only hoard the riches they have acquired, leaving the economically challenged society to fend for themselves. These nouveau rich will not get off a dime unless they profit from it. This attitude exemplifies the greed which is rampant in the United States.

When will it end? In five, ten years? Will it take a repeat of World War II to jolt the economy back to its feet? Or will it take the rich getting hurt very badly for a little trickle down effect to have any hope of help?

Again, please address your lawmakers, jam their phone lines, and overload the servers they use with your concerns! Maybe they will get the idea they work for us and not the 100 plus voices helping them get re-elected every term.
Term limits for all lawmakers should be a law, especially Senators. Plenty of veteran lawmakers have overstayed their welcome. Let a new breed of corruptible souls in every six or 12 years.

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