Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Coffee Break

While out on an early mission of mercy Friday morning, I observed a police convention in progress.

What a sight to behold. In the Mount Morris Township Speedway station, located at the Elms and Pierson Road intersection, were: two Mount Morris Township cruisers; two Flushing City Police vehicles; a Flushing Township Police car; and one Genesee County Sheriff’s patrol car.

The mass of law enforcement vehicles were lined up (maybe preparing for a parade?), as the officers were inside imbibing in life’s simple nectars known as coffee and soda. Amazingly, the parked vehicles were still running. There was no thought to save gas, or heaven forbid, the officers might be late for an actual crime because it only takes a nanosecond to reach over and start a car.

As a law-abiding, City of Flushing and Genesee County taxpayer, one would think these law officials can and should make better use of their time.

Please do not misunderstand this tirade as a denouncement of the police. Just consider it a friendly reminder that citizens overall desire their law enforcers remain awake and on the job, not discussing the merits of a nine millimeter over a 357 Magnum or the girl in her undergarments hanging upside down out of the kitchen window.

Surely, the discussions entertained war stories regarding last night’s drunk drivers, abusive husbands and possibly the occasional stray puppy – which falls under the jurisdiction of animal control.

None of this helped the encounter I experienced with one individual speeding 47 mph in a 35 mph zone or the driver who made a left turn where it clearly was marked “Don’t Do That!”

Having known many police officers, it requires a certain mentality to perform the job duties. Some men and women, especially at a younger age, live the life 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They do seem to mellow with age or promotion.

All of us would feel better, if only they would show some common sense. By the way, you will be pleased to know that particular Speedway Station did not have one drive off or shoplifting incident that morning.


Unknown said...

They have to spend at least 2 hours in a gas station per shift. Its probably in their contract... Of course they expect free coffee in exchange for patrolling the area, which I thought was their job...

Ned Carriger said...

Here in the thriving metropolis of Chattanooga, TN they passed a city ordinance where city vehicles are not supposed to be running for more than 30 seconds while idle. However, like a lot of city ordinances it is probably not well enforced. I don't think cops should be allowed to go in any kind of business and keep their vehicle running. No matter how cold it is outside. That why cab drivers are under no obligation to help people inside a building at the passenger's destination. Their responsibility is their vehicle.

Anonymous said...

Here in the thriving metropolis of Chattanooga, Tn a city ordinance was passed last summer where city employees aren't to keep their vehicles from running for more than 30 seconds when idle. However, last most city ordinances it is probably not well enforced. I don't think police officers should keep there vehicle when they go into a building. No matter how cold it is outside.